It is time to show your expression of interest. If you have a desire to network, connect, build business and do it in a way that contribute back to our local community then Perth Networking Clubs memberships will be for you.
Our Memberships are going to be announced shortly but it is time to be ahead of the pack!
Memberships may include the following:
- Discounted coworking space through Perth Networking Club Hub in the Spacecubed community
- Special Coworking discounts for Not for Profits/charities through Perth Networking Club
- Each Business member will fund a free membership from a Not For Profit Member (of your choice or we will allocate one).
- Discounted Formal Uprising & Business Awareness Lunch events
- Speed Networking Events
- Referral Mornings
- Pitch Nights & potential Hackathons
- Discounted Rocket Launcher Strategic Marketing Coaching
and much more!
Founding Members will receive a special offer for the first 40 members. Only expressions of interest registrations will have the opportunity to get the special Founder Member offer for the first year one.
Register your interest on the button below.